Western intellectuals need to be informed about Modi's India

India's PM Modi was given a red carpet by US Govt. He was paraded in Capital Hill, given WH dinner and singing opera tour - a grotesque promotion of Trumpian dictator. Irony is that US Capital Hill just recently desecrated by Trump's MAGA riots gave its floor to another Trumpian dictator who is possibly as worse as Trump in his own country.

But that's all part of US Realpolitik in multipolar world to counter China & Russia (BTW, Putin is hanging by a thread in Moscow). US fully knows Modi's background but choose to use India against another malignant dictator Xi that is immediate neighbor to India. I won't go into discussion of US foreign policy right now. But I find that some of the western intellectuals, observers and analysts uninformed about Indian politics so i am summarizing some of my articles on India & Modi to try to make western observers more informed about Modi & India. Read them to know what Modi did to India. I wrote the book (it's free) - Measuring National Leaders of India, formulating a scale system to measure politicians. I also did a case study on Modi which is reproduced below.

Read these articles.

Summary of case Study on Modi - A malignant Narcissist cut from the same cloth as Trump. A sadistic criminal mass murderer tyrant. An impulsive, highly incompetent, anti-intellectual, arrogant, reckless & dangerous leader.

Narendra Modi



Narendra Modi - Photo


Starting with his Psychology, which is very relevant to his case – Modi is dangerous and psychologically unstable personality. There are several theories on Modi's psychology. I am not a qualified in the subject so cannot give much of an expert opinion in this area (Indian Psychiatrists & Psychologists need to shed light on this subject). There’s a theory that Modi is a Narcissistic personality with strong overlapping with Psychopathy - A malignant Narcissist. This theory of malignant narcissism does explain a lot about his behavior and style of governance. A basic fact about Modi is that this man is a lie, everything about him, his speeches, his promises, his rhetoric, his statements, his crafted public image - it has no basis in reality. As I mentioned earlier, do not apply the scale based on politician's statements but look at his actions, policies and behavior. The lies and falsehoods of Modi Govt are of astronomical proportion - it’s like creation of mind bending alternate reality & alternate facts. This pattern of falsehoods fit the pattern of Gaslighting. A technique used by pathologically disordered persons against their victims to emotionally destroy and subdue them by distorting their perception of reality, and expanding control over them.


Modi has a criminal mindset, a strong propensity to create violence; he has no empathy, no remorse & no conscience. Long track record of Modi from Gujarat (when he was chief minister) to New Delhi as Prime minister has a trail of mountain of dead bodies.  Various communal riots, mass murders of minorities, extrajudicial killings of people including political opponents, and jailing of political opposition, critics, activists etc is a sign of sadistic propensity for violence and inflicting misery on people on large scale. A climate of fear and terror has been created against Muslims, Christians, backward caste minorities, women, liberals and civil society. The lynching of Muslims, violence against Christians, their places of religious worships (mosques & churches) and right wing hate speech festivals are organized under the protection of Modi Govt. Sexual violence and abuse is used as a weapon against women activists and protesters.


As with case of despotic populists, Modi is inclined towards his ilk. Modi had special chemistry with Trump and built a good relationship with him. Modi is the only PM in Indian history showing electoral support for Trump in 2019 at a rally in America. The fact that US acted ignorant about the crimes against humanity in India is because of Modi’s good standing with Trump regime. Steve Bannon has admired Modi as being a “Trump before Trump” as Modi won 2014 elections in India, two years before Trump came to power in US. In 2020, Modi invited Brazilian leader Jair Bolsanaro to national republic day (foundation day of Indian constitution). Like other right wing populists, Bolsanaro is brazenly misogynistic, Islamophobic, homophobic and a reactionary demagogue. Similarly, Modi has approached far right parties in Europe to build international support for his regressive and oppressive domestic policies. Modi has also acquired cyber weapons from Netanyahu. These cyber weapons are hacking and snooping technology that Israel proclaims to sell to foreign states to counter terrorism. Modi has been using these cyber weapons against Indian opposition politicians, journalists, activists, Govt critics and pretty much everyone who he puts on his enemies lists. The hacking and snooping of phones of Modi’s “enemies” has had a chilling effect on Indian Democracy.

Modi is a whimsical, impulsive, paranoid and highly reckless person who threatens India's national interests due to his whims. His impulses are symptoms of inadequately motivated antisocial behavior - doing senseless & purposeless destructive things without caring about consequences. Modi is also a paranoid person and views people in black and white. Either you are a friend of Modi (like his family members, the sycophant coterie that surround him) or you are his enemy (students, farmers, minorities, and opposition politicians, journalists, and women activists - all on enemy list of Modi).


Modi's insecurity is visible in his vehement jealousy and hostility for other politicians like Nehru – the first Prime minister of independent India, journalists who criticize him, activists and even his own party members & close aides. Blanket hacking and wiretapping of phones of various journalists, politicians and people at random is an indication of Modi's severe Paranoia. Launching witch hunts against film stars celebrities and their family members - Is this an affect of extreme paranoia & insecurity? Are film stars seen as imaginary threats by Modi? The Paranoid nature of Modi may have more depth beyond just malignant narcissism. His Paranoia may be based on Delusional thinking which he may have acquired through his lifelong membership of RSS (India’s KKK & a kind of Neo-Nazi organization) since his early age. RSS is a cultist religious militant organization – members of this cult suffer from Delusional beliefs about Indian history, Muslims, Minorities, Indian gods & demigods etc.


Modi Govt promotes anti-Science doctrine in India by promoting dubious alternative Snake oil medicines. A special ministry of Ayush has been created to promote alternatives to modern medical science. Modi Govt also promotes superstition, prophecies and messianic beliefs about Lord Ram (a Demigod) and prophecies of building a grand temple to absolve India of all social evils and economic misery like Poverty and hunger. Similarly, cow worship is promoted as holy duty and consumption of cow dung & urine is promoted as cure for Covid-19, Cancer, hypertension etc. India is the among the most polluted country in the world and it’s estimated that 1.7 million Indians die every year because of illnesses caused by Air pollution (that is more than Indians killed in Delta wave of pandemic). Modi Govt has often dismissed the alarming healthcare crisis as Modi’s health minister once mockingly said – “No death certificate shows cause of death as air pollution”.


Modi has no scientific & philosophical thinking, has no strategic thinking, no imagination and no understanding of economy, history, foreign policy, defense policy, national affairs, institutional structure of country etc. There is no empirical basis of Modi's policies, his policies are driven by whims, impulses, grandeur, paranoia and inadequately motivated antisocial behavior derived from his personality.  Extinguishing 86% of currency overnight without thinking about the consequences on life of 1.3 Billion people, idea of forcing entire population to prove their citizenship, orchestrating mass violence without any instrumental goals, throwing people into prisons without any purpose even when they pose no threats - these are extreme cases of inadequately motivated antisocial behavior, Paranoia and foolhardy adventures of projecting grandiosity.


Modi's love for media attention, photo opportunities and wanting his image on everything is well known - on banners, vaccine certificates, Govt offices, buildings, street posters, newspapers, websites, seminars etc. Modi likes to stay in spotlight brandishing his image. Wherever Modi goes, the cameras tail him everywhere. Modi on many occasions has shown contempt for education, science, factual reality & intellect - he likes to project himself as wiser than economists, thinkers and intellectuals. On certain occasions, he has inferred himself as someone with more wisdom that Harvard intellectuals, military experts and big economists. Modi has projected himself as the greatest national leader of India in last 70 years and claims to have developed India in last 7 years more than other leaders did in last 70 years (is this just another of his false statement or is this a sign of his Delusional thinking?) . All these are signs of his psychological insecurity and him projecting grandiosity.

Modi is a religious populist - which is one of the worst types of leader in a Democracy. His main strategy for winning elections is factionalizing population and ethnicities on basis of religion & culture. The goal is to capture Hindu majority votes by dehumanizing minorities like Muslims and other minorities. This is classic divide and rule doctrine which has created social disharmony and anxiety in many classes of Indian population – the educated liberals, women, Muslims, Christians etc live under environment of fear and political stress in India.


I find little need to review Modi's policies. Detailed reports on his economic policies, foreign policy, political style of governance etc are here (1, 2, 3). He destroyed economy; undermine India's national security, destroyed India's social harmony and internal security purely for his self serving pittance of political gains and to fulfill his grandiosity. Even before the arrival of Pandemic, Indian economy was in decline since previous 6 quarters. Even with all the window dressing, fudging of statistics and burial of data, the Govt is unable to conceal the economic breakdown going on in economy. The massive unemployment is near all time high, private investment has been declining, Govt has withdrawn from capital expenditure and much needed investments – all this spell disaster for economy. This is on top of all the longstanding structural problems and massive corruption in economy that has been eating away all the potential of country.


Poverty, inequality and unemployment have greatly increased under Modi’s rule. Standards of living, social mobility and income security has collapsed. India’s labor force participation rate is all time low and is even worse for women. There are no job prospects in Indian economy, small scale industries have collapsed, core organized industrial and manufacturing sector have also shrunk their investments in economy due to lack of demand and poor future economic prospects. India is facing acceleration in brain drain as high skill professionals and entrepreneurs have fled India because it’s becoming a failed state dictatorship. This phenomenon is similar to despotic states like in post Soviet countries where collapsed economy and corruption forced qualified and skillful people to migrate to Europe and America in search of better life prospects.


As I mentioned in beginning, everything about Modi is a lie. Doubt and question everything that has happened under Modi Govt. It’s plausible and actually likely that Modi Govt itself orchestrates terror attacks in country (to blame on Muslims & foreign states) and instigate tensions at western borders to consolidate power domestically. A narrative of hyper-nationalism and externalization of enemy has been created to continuously feed domestic population with hate, anger and anxiety. A concept of ‘Akhand Bharat’ is promoted among hardliner followers of Modi where India’s national borders are shown usurping parts of South East Asia including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia etc. Muslims, Christians, minorities and migrants (from Myanmar, Bangladesh etc) are dehumanized and projected as cultural enemies of Indian majoritarian society.


While Modi has been militaristic and hostile, his ambitions are presently constricted because of presence of another despot in its neighbor. Tyrant Xi Jinping (referred as ‘uncle Xi’ in China) wants to unleash his own kind of evil also has imperial ambitions and aggressively pursues ideas of expanding its territorial borders. Tyrant Xi is more malevolent than Modi and has sensed the weaknesses of Modi Govt & Indian state. China’s aggression against India is motivated by India’s internal weaknesses and failure of Indian state (as explained in earlier section). Two largest nations of the world by size of population are ruled by tyrants and both nations have Nuclear weapons. With rising tensions in subcontinent where Pakistan & China also have hundreds of Nuclear weapons, Modi regime has also flaunted the Nuclear weapons arsenal by hinting to abandon “No first use” policy of nuclear deterrent which India had long held since developing its Nuclear weapons.  Any future conflict in the region can escalate to nuclear threshold and spell disaster and annihilation of the region.


India’s international image under Modi has been severally dented among other modern Democracies and developed nations. In India, domestic population is made to believe by the Govt that India has very good standing with other countries of the world. But India’s fall in rankings in human development index, food security, journalistic freedoms, human rights, transparency, Democracy etc has pushed India away from developed nations & has actually isolated India to some extent. Modi’s foreign policy doesn’t have any coherence and direction. World leaders also see through the decline of Indian state and thus India has lost respect in many foreign relations. Foreign policy is made into a domestic spectacle to fool the population. A Pakistan centric foreign policy of projecting it as arch-nemesis (to sell hyper-nationalism for domestic political gains) shows immature and narrow mindset of rulers who doesn’t have macro thinking of global geopolitics.


There's a myth about Modi that he's a strategic thinker, intelligent and full of political acumen. This is a highly misplaced assertion because Modi is not any of these things. For a leader to have strategic thinking, he must have wisdom, temperament and vast knowledge - about economy, geopolitics, history, science, philosophy etc. Modi (& his sidekick Amit Shah) doesn't have any of it. He is actually the opposite - an ignorant, uninformed, paranoid and impulsive leader without any specific goals. These kinds of people, by psychological design, have no strategic thinking and driven mostly by impulses, paranoia, imaginary fears, monomania and flawed belief system. They don't have any long term goals (apart from pure self preservation of power).


A critical question arises. If Modi is such an unstable character, how has he survived in politics for such a long time and progressed from Gujarat to New Delhi?  This question puzzled me until few years ago, but now I have definitive answers to this (full elaboration in future articles). I came across general opinion of experts that these kinds of unstable political leaders can't survive in political high office for long periods of time. They make grave errors & mistakes, they are reckless & destructive, they lose popularity, get exposed and ultimately lead to their own downfall. But this may not be necessarily true.


I believe unstable political leaders can survive a very long time in politics in country which has no checks and balances, which has no mechanism of govt accountability, a country where institutions of accountability have collapsed and Democratic system has failed. The actions, policies and behavior of unstable leader go unpunished and he gets more extreme with time. When unstable leader captures all institutions in a Pathocracy, nothing can hold him accountable for his criminal acts. When unstable leaders destroys political opposition, his critics and create a single party political system, then there is no alternative for people to vote against him despite his failures. This is the real reason why Modi has survived and progressed for such a long time and it’s not because of his political acumen.


Media and experts make him out to be a good communicator. He is not, he doesn't have any communication skills and only comfortable in one way dialogues, scripted interviews and media events. Modi is not a genuine mass leader as experts paint him out to be. His tall image as a leader is created solely by hard work of corrupted media and newspapers. A good communicator is not psychologically insecure. Modi's personal life is also dysfunctional, a person without a family or children. He's also likely to be emotionally insecure and unstable, evidently from failure to cultivate relationships in his personal life.


Modi doesn't see India as a nation state; he sees it as his personal kingdom (often a case with many dictators) and citizens as his slaves that he controls by Gaslighting. He's a purely selfish character who seeks to rule his kingdom for his lifetime. Whether kingdom gets destroyed in long run, he doesn't care or think about. Modi has an understanding of last few decades of Indian history & politics but his knowledge is mostly of destructive and perverse nature. He controls various religious militant organizations and antisocial elements. He knows how to control institutions and people in institutions through fear. He knows how to control investigating agencies, how to snoop & blackmail people (especially opposition politicians), how to subdue and destroy people who he thinks are not favorable to him. 


Modi's ambition for power is full of treachery and deviance, as he pushed away his old political aides, friends and allies in quest for power. He is highly ambitions but for very wrong intentions and destructive motivations. I would like to give him a zero in the category but it didn't feel right because he does have political skills that carved out his road to PM. He's highly manipulative and self serving, pushed aside other national leaders including of his own his own former allies (Advani) to climb ladder of his political career. Modi has good grasp on culture complex and narcissistic wounds of Indian society and exploits these wounds very well. The regression of social mobility at mass scale and partition of India are two wounds (there is more which I will elaborate in future) that Modi knows how to capitalize upon. Modi is an ethnic entrepreneur and knows how to trigger extinction anxiety in Hindu culture complex. Narrative of “Hindu Khatre mein hai (Hindus are in danger)” has been created by Modi & BJP to unlock the dark tendencies of narcissistically wounded population and Muslims/Christians/emigrants are dehumanized as the worst enemy upon which wrath has to be inflicted. 


Modi’s impulsivity and recklessness is mistaken as boldness and determination, his Narcissism is mistaken as confidence. It’s understandable that much of Indian society which forms a cultural complex on basis of religious populism is duped by Modi’s grandiosity and hyper-nationalistic appeals. But its little surprising to see that Indian military and other professional institutions have also fallen for Modi’s mass appeal and his irrational agendas. This actually shows the extent of decadence and hollowing out of Indian institutions.

Modi’s style of governance is through unilateral actions without any consultation or contemplating consequences. Modi rules by fear and thus only surrounded by people who either share common traits with him or are forced to follow his orders out of fear. This is typical of Pathocracy which gets more and more entrenched with time as the Pathocrats create a “family” – people of their own type to run Govt while people with a degree of objectivity and morality side step voluntarily or are forced to side step.


Modi doesn’t believe in any institutional governance, rule of law, constitution or norms of governance. Modi is a monomaniac, surrounded by Yes men advisers. The top echelons of Modi Govt are insulated from ground reality on all critical national issues and have acute scarcity of policy ideas to run the country. Institutional independence is eroded and investigating agencies have been made into private armies to be unleashed onto political opposition and critics of government. In terms of economic policy, apart from making purposeless reckless uninformed decisions, other aspect of policy making is giving special favors to Oligarchs and plutocrats that finance Modi govt through electoral Bonds or through indirect support like lending their media empires to carry waters of Modi Govt. Indian state assets are privatized at bargain basement prices to these oligarchs for rent gouging, national banks give evergreening loans to oligarchs and regulations are tailor-made to suit favorite oligarchs.


Modi doesn’t have any personal life or family connections (at least what we know publicly). Commentators have described him as a person who abandoned his personal life to serve the country (ultra right commentators describe him as father of nation). Much of the past of Modi’s personal life remains elusive and mythical stories are promoted about him being a tea seller and a hermit. Like his personal life, Modi’s educational career and its history are also shrouded in mystery. There is little public information about Modi before him becoming chief minister of Gujarat though only thing that is certain is that he was a member of RSS since his youth. RSS is a militant organization, carries out subversive anti-state activities and was banned three times in India’s post independent history. It’s possible that Modi participated in RSS operations in past. Like other BJP politicians, much of Modi’s thinking is shaped by RSS.


Its ironical that while Modi talks about protecting India and taking it to new heights (Making India great again), our adversaries wouldn’t have wished for a better person to be India’s national leader. He’s someone who will destroy India from within which our adversaries cannot do from outside.


Scale looks like this


A (Leader should be a philosopher, a thinker and a scientifically driven person) = 0/3

B (Leader's vision of India as a nation) = 0/3

C (A leader with thorough knowledge and understanding of Economy) = 0/6

D (Leader with current knowledge and historical perspective of the world) = 0/3

E (Leader with understanding and knowledge of India, and with a historical perspective of India) = 1/3

F (Psychology of our leader) = 0/3

G (A good communicator) = 1/3

H (Ambition for Political power with positive intentions and healthy motivations) = 2/3

I (Defending political power and doing it smartly & strategically) = 3/3

J (Style of Governance) = 0/3

K (Personal life of leader) = 0/3


Total score = 7/36

Categorized as Highly Destructive National Leader


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