Trump regime's future and how it may end

US is now in control of most malignant, incompetent and destructive political regime. This regime if allowed to continue for 4 years and possibly longer will create immense destruction to America and the whole world. I have already given detailed analysis of character and structure of Trump regime which can be best described as a Pathocracy and a Kakistocracy. Now i try to envision some possibilities on what will happen with this regime.

1. Trump regime and plutocratic forces consolidate full power - If this happens, US will go into dark age with destruction of its society, economy, rule of law, environment and political system. US will become a lawless failed 3rd world state ruled by fanatic oligarchs and plutocrats. Political opposition will be destroyed, institutions will be subverted and destroyed. Intellect of US society which has already declined will take a deeper plunge into the abyss. US hegemony and global power status will be finished. Hostile nations may try to take further advantage of this and US oligarchs will collude with them. In short, America will be finished.

2. Coup against Trump - Since the danger of Trump regime is clear and evident, there may be an attempt to neutralize Trump regime either through soft coup or through brute force. There are various power factions in America that contend for power. There's a faction of Pentagon, State Department & Neocons with commitment to hegemonic US role in the world who strongly oppose Trump. There's a faction in FBI & US establishment who believe Trump is a threat to internal security and will destroy US political system. Trump's overtly dictatorial tendencies and attraction to Putin is deeply resented by various factions.

Coup against Trump can come through expose of great scandals of Trump (like his mass corruption) & forcing him to retire. There can even be a hard coup where Trump & his close associates can be assassinated by contending power factions. This can happen by any means like an accident (crashing of Trump's Airplane) or a terror attack or a patsy like lone wolf sniper. There is very heated rivalry against Trump regime. Fascists like Mussolini & Hitler survived several assassination attempts (some real, some artificially contrived to consolidate power). 

3. Infighting and internal collapse of Trump regime - The Trump regime is a volatile combination of scoundrels from various strands. This was also a feature of first Trump regime where there was always internal faction fights and chaos within Trump regime. Appointments of previous Trump regime had a very short tenure where they were either fired by Trump himself or they were ousted by rival players who groveled for Trump's attention. 

This infighting between Trump camp can be beneficial for US as it will keep the MAGA evil internally divided and disoriented. The grave threat of Trump is when these forces align & work in tandem. When these forces are conflicted among themselves, they won't be able unleash their full fury against America.

Internal power factions within Trump includes the retribution group (Kash Patel, Trump's DOJ lawyers etc who plan to prosecute Trump's personal enemies). Tech bros camp (fanatics like Ramaswamy, Thiel, Musk, Crypto parasites etc who push for dismantling government). And then there's a somewhat moderate Wall Street camp who're interested purely in greed and profits and not fanatical power, they oppose extremely disrupting policies like blanket tariffs that can suddenly destabilize US economy. The Treasury secretary likely represents this relatively moderate faction. These various power factions are likely to fight among themselves that will keep the regime preoccupied and divided.

4. Resurgence of Dem party - Right now Trump has waived his magic wand of collective psychosis on America to dupe the electorate. There's no rational electorate anymore which votes out an incompetent and grossly unfit regime. Dr Bandy Lee even suggests that as things get bad, they will get worse as people can't make healthy choice in environment which Dr Lee describes as 'Death Spiral'. But it's possible that Democratic party can still make a comeback. Even at the peak of Trump contagion, Trump's mass appeal and CORE base can be describes as around 30% of voters. Recall that Hitler never got any a true majority in Wiemar Republic. His maximum base dwindled at around one-third of voters. Only after he took public office, he crushed & killed political opposition and established uni-party dictatorship.

Dem Party still maintains a good grasp over US political discourse. Trump's victory margin, at least in terms of popular vote, is razor thin. The electoral college which was gerry-mandered by Republicans throughout decades give them electoral-college advantage. Even still Republicans have tiny majority margin in House of Congress. Dem Party still rules many critical populous states. If Dem Party can reinvigorate itself and learn from its mistakes, it can make a political comeback. GOP permanent dictatorship is a super-inflated myth like 1000 years Reich rule which collapsed in 12 years.

Dem Party needs to dump the faces like Obama, Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer etc. The mumified Dem party leaders who have lost mass appeal and also they have very little constructive ideas apart from their identity politics rhetoric. So far, it's difficult to foresee new Dem party leadership that has the ingredients to make this comeback. But even when times are bad, opportunities can emerge. FDR emerged in bleak times of great depression in last century when conventional political ideas had failed. Though it's safe to say that Dem party must swiftly analyze & correct itself, and with a fighting spirit in this dark time. Once Trump regime consolidate full power, it will be too late. 

Trump has made mystical & magical claims of taking America to greatness on which he can't deliver. The US economy can get really bad if he tries to implement his shock therapy and other foolhardy policies. This may create mass revulsion against Trump rule which Dem party must capitalize upon and exploit to inject constructive ideas in sociopolitical discourse. 

5. New alternative against bankrupt political system - The political parties of US have degraded in last decades. While Republicans have become extreme Fascistic force, the Democrats have sold out America through backdoor while maintaining political etiquette. The giant bailouts of wall Street in post GFC era, the dismantling of welfare by Clinton in 90s, the austerity of Obama administration are some of the highlights of Dems era. Dems also refuse to fight against Fascistic takeover. Take example of Merrick Garland and his impotence in current times, the impotence of Obama when he refused to appoint SCOTUS justice nearing end of his tenure. The BLOB foreign policy is endemic in Dem party as well. They supported Iraq war in the beginning. They created Libyan and Syrian civil war. They have hawkish view of US foreign policy & pour trillions into Pentagon. Currently, Biden has been enabling a Genocide in middle east.

It's possible that some new political alternative can emerge opposing the current two party system. However, there's also a risk that internal divisions against Dem party may destabilize & destroy the party if Dems refuse to acknowledge unified way to move forward.  

6. Status Quo of dysfunctional politics - A possibility is that neither Trump will be able to consolidate full power and nor Dem party will be able to make a comeback. For short and medium term, the US political system will continue to remain paralyzed and dysfunctional with war of attrition between various political actors and factions. This status quo will also be harmful to US domestically as well as globally but at least it would be better than full GOP dictatorship. Maybe this can be transitionary while a better alternative can emerge against Republican party. 


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