False Prestige and Festival of mass Psychosis

Left - Kaaba in Saudi Arabia. Right - Idol of Lord Ram in India

Modern world looks upon Islam, the Kaaba shrine as intellectual backwardness of middle east states. Primitive people worshiping a rock and subscribing to obsolete religious dogmas is seen as sign of intellectual shallowness of these states. Now, India is also joining the list with their own version of intellectual and cultural decadence. Ram Temple is India's version of Kaaba. Built on foundation of pogroms, mass violence, social backwardness and political Fascism, it's a project of India's vanity of all vanities. A false prestige and a kind of opium given to reactionary society to satiate their psychological needs. The current political class cannot solve the challenges of poverty, unemployment, standards of living, healthcare & education system, economic and social backwardness. The political class cannot solve the real challenges like Air pollution that's eating away 11.9 years of every citizen's life, water scarcity that plagues majority of India, corruption that is now endemic in Govt, collapsing institutions (courts, police, regulatory bodies etc) which have now completely hollowed out. So a Pyrrhic victory of religious populism is injected to keep the society tranquilized. 


Le Bon described all this in his book over a century ago - false prestige of population, Deranged political leaders and intellectual bankruptcy of political system. But people are exalted by this false prestige. This phenomenon is also a mass Psychosis which i discussed in a previous article. I see housing societies decorated with Orange flags of Ram Temple, Local Whatsapp groups celebrating the upcoming ceremony. My neighbor came in person to congratulate me of the grand occasion. Now India have its own version of Mecca, and soon there will be Hindutva versions of Haj Yatras, a more glorified form of Kawad & 4 Dham journeys. 

People vote on sentiments, not on basis of reason. BJP has delivered a huge sentimental victory to Indian society & has inflated its prestige. A strong factor that will influence 2024 elections. Mass graves of Pandemic, Rs 100 / Liter Petrol & Diesel, Rs 200 / kg Tomatoes , Rs 1000 / LPG cylinder , rising crime against women and minorities etc etc. All that is forgotten for now. 


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