Religion, Mass Psychosis and Fascism

Mass Psychosis is not an officially recognized mental disease. The term is loosely used by certain analysts and commentators to describe a highly irrational behavior of masses / group of people. A social group (followers of a politician, followers of cult leaders etc) may demonstrate this type of irrational behavior. The behavior can be described as social group detaches itself from objective reality and starts acting in a way that is socially as well as personally destructive to the group itself and its members. A social group can become so paranoid that it can do riots, kill people on large scale, commit crimes against humanity or even commit mass suicide. Followers of Donald Trump (MAGA movement) fit the bill of mass psychosis which culminated into 6th January riots in US. The followers of Donald Trump came to believe that 2020 elections were "stolen" and they shall retake the country by an insurrection. 

But before we talk about Trumpism and MAGA movement, let's look at more clear cut case of mass psychosis to put things in perspective. For people in America, 6 Jan riots were unprecedented because it was based on paranoia and "psychotic" behavior of Trump followers which any psychologically fit (normal human being) will see as an astonishing case. How can such a large group of people become so detached from reality that they are willing to put their lives at stake in service of their master, Donald Trump? I think American intellectuals should look into case of religious riots (communal riots) in a country like India (world's largest Democracy?!) which can prove that mass psychosis / collective psychosis does exist. 

As an atheist and a "non-spiritual" person, i see religion as simply a relic of an old age. An age where mankind knew very little about science, the universe and even itself. I will not delve into insults on any religion. But i often wonder that when millions of people believe in things that are so counterintuitive to scientific facts and objective reality - isn't this a case of psychosis? Pick up any religious book and meet any practicing disciple/follower of any religion - it's amazing how these people believe in fantastic theories and narration of these religious books (Bible, Bhagwat Gita, Quran etc). Without mentioning all the fantastic things of these religious texts, i can say that a psychologically fit (a person who basis its judgement on facts & logic) must certainly dismiss these outrageously foolish things as a work of fiction. But then what is the meaning of psychological fitness? Is there any medically established definition of that? 

Let's talk about Fascism before we come back to religion. Textbook definition of Fascism explains several dimensions of this political phenomenon. Basically it's a kind of political extremism that emerges from a broken society (political, social, economic instability & chaos) with a reactionary mass movement. This movement is often lead by opportunistic and pathological leaders who capture the psychological vulnerability of masses in times of crisis. The masses are full of anger and emotion but have no intellect, thus blindly following the leaders. What is the conclusion of this mass movement? In case of Third Reich, the conclusion was mass death worldwide and (very fortunately) the defeat and destruction of the Reich itself. But Fascism was not just about The Reich or Mussolini in Italy. There are several forms of Fascism. As some historians now believe that we are seeing a kind of "American Fascism" in MAGA movement of Donald Trump. 

MAGA movement shows various signs of Fascism. The followers with very little or no intellect - a bunch of dupes ready to cut their own wrists. Much of these poor people are result of economic inequality and political degradation of American society that is in decline since last several decades due to wrongful economic, geopolitical and social policies. The Boss of MAGA, Donald Trump himself shows alarming signs of psychological instability - The dangerous case of Donald Trump by editor Dr Bandy Lee who also organized Duty to warn conference has done remarkable thesis on this. Dr Lee also stated about collective psychosis that is happening in Trump followers.

But Fascism which on surface appears to be a highly irrational and extremist political movement is also based on an ideology. An ideology is necessary to drive masses. But what ideology can be offered to masses who are meant to be exploited and pillaged by pathological leaders? The ideology is mysticism which is a crackpot mixture of fantastic and ludicrous doctrines - which on face value seems completely foolish to an outsider (a person not a member of groupthink).  For American Fascism, several ideologies are currently under development. One is QAnon conspiracy theory disseminated in the Trump followers which subscribes to the view that America is run by gang of Pedophiles and Trump will deliver justice against this great evil. Another ideology is so called Anti-Woke movement that is supposed to save America from against anything "woke". 

In the Third Reich, the ideology of crackpot Eugenics and Aryan superiority was implemented which culminated into mass murder of Jews and other minorities. The mystical ideology also involves allegiance to master - The loyalists of Duce Mussolini and Hitler, and the followers believes the master as "superhuman" with abilities to deliver on promises. These kind of mystical doctrines are inscribed into brains of intellectually bankrupt followers. Mussolini established school of Fascist mysticism to indoctrinate people. Mysticism by its very definition is irrationality. Now we can come back to the religion.

Instead of building new mystical ideologies to dupe people, wouldn't it be easier to indoctrinate people by molding the ideas which they already accept to large decree? Here comes "religious Fascism" - political extremism based on religious mysticism. This is presently very prominent in India where an ideology called "Hindutva" is used by pathological Modi leadership to rule India. Hindutva is radicalization of Hinduism and turning it into a political weapon by ruling BJP party. The ideology has several mystical themes among which is making India a Hindu nation at all cost - that involves extermination of Muslims and minorities (Christians etc). I have written historical account of Hindutva mass movement in several past articles and how this mass movement arose during the political, economic and social chaos of 90s in India. The movement gathered momentum with nationwide communal riots when BJP incited mobs to demolish historical Babri Mosque in India based on conspiracy theories that the mosque is built upon birthplace of Hindu demigod Lord Ram. People were made to believe that it's their religious duty to restore a Hindu Temple by demolishing the mosque. 

As a result hundreds of thousands of people came on streets to build a mass movement that committed riots and killings of minorities throughout the country. Since 80% of population is Hindu by religion, the political masters made handsome returns as they came into power based on religious populism. Muslims were beaten and burnt alive, mass rapes were committed, houses and ghettos of minorities were burnt down, rival politicians were killed.  All of that was done in the name of god. An award winning documentary by the same name (in Hindi it's called - Ram ke naam) has narrated the rise of this religious Fascism.  

Present Indian Prime Minister Modi was a young recruit during the 90s Hindutva mass movement. A psychologist Ashis Nandy researching on 90s social unrest was able to interview young Modi at that time and this was what he found

"Modi, it gives me no pleasure to tell the readers, met virtually all the criteria that psychiatrists, psycho-analysts and psychologists had set up after years of empirical work on the authoritarian personality. He had the same mix of puritanical rigidity, narrowing of emotional life, massive use of the ego defence of projection, denial and fear of his own passions combined with fantasies of violence – all set within the matrix of clear paranoid and obsessive personality traits. I still remember the cool, measured tone in which he elaborated a theory of cosmic conspiracy against India that painted every Muslim as a suspected traitor and a potential terrorist. I came out of the interview shaken and told Yagnik that, for the first time, I had met a textbook case of a fascist and a prospective killer, perhaps even a future mass murderer."

The warning of Nandy became reality when Modi instigated communal riots in Gujarat in 2002. This documentary (banned in India) is availble on youtube which documents the events. It's a little known fact that Modi's mass murder in 2002 made him unpopular in America & other EU nations. Modi was banned from travelling/entering US by the State Department. But as Modi became India's Prime minister - US Govt quietly revoked the ban. I have some important links about it in this old article.

The documentary on 2002 Gujarat Riots.

Coming back to broader point. Fascism can come in different shapes or forms but somethings at its core always remain the same. A strongman/superhuman central figure who is pathologically impaired, a cult following which grows from extremist to militant, a mystical ideology based on irrationality and conspiracy theories, social economic & political crisis that makes cult followers accept "malignant normality", decline of national institutions, good people doing nothing against Fascists out of fear or repression, the contagion of political extremism is allowed to spread unchecked.  

Some old articles on Hindutva Fascism

Off topic. This article has come after a long break. So here is something extra. A scene from film Interstellar. 


  1. RE "mass psychosis"

    The official framing of the mass formation (or mass psychosis) "phenomenon" is misleading and wrong in terms of what the whole true reality is. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with "civilized" people: (or

    One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think (after more than 1 year, 2 years, even 3 years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it's ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition).

    In the May of 2022 podcast with James Corbett he stated that "some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions" (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being PLANNED which Desmet called "an extreme position" ... Sound logical thinking is "extreme" and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view!

    This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

    "We'll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public [and global public] believes is false." ---William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

    "... doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp." --- Unknown in 2022


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