Pope meets Modi

Church Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in Vatican (Photo - Wikipedia)

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on foreign trip to Europe for G-20 summit. Yesterday, Modi visited the Vatican city and met with Pope. I can't speculate on what went in the meeting behind closed doors but public gestures made by Pope towards Modi conveyed some disappointing messages, specially to the people of India living under the oppressive rule of dictatorial Modi regime. Publicly released photos of the meeting shows Modi hugging Pope while looking him in the eyes while Pope reciprocates with welcoming smile.


Pope meets Modi (Photo)


To an Indian observer who knows the ground reality of India, its discomforting to see foreign leaders and global platforms showing acceptance to Modi regime while turning a blind eye to things going on in India. Observers and thinkers in India know that Modi is brazenly committing crimes against humanity since last two decades. Modi has instigated mass violence, communal massacres and riots throughout his career that has killed uncountable number of people. The killings of minorities, activists and journalists under the dictatorial Modi regime has been going on since many years. 

The world isn't ignorant and unaware of Modi and Hindutva regime's acts. Modi was actually banned from traveling to America due to human rights track record. The ban was quietly lifted when Modi came to power. US-CIRF and State Department has monitored and documented Modi's history since his early days and continues to do so till present day (read 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). European community has also been aware of Modi since long time and was on informal Boycott of him but chose rapprochement in 2012-13 when it was getting clear that he will be the next ruler of India (read 1, 2, 3). There have been several resolutions pending in European Parliament of Modi regime's human rights violations regarding Kashmir, CAA, violence against minorities etc. Credit goes to Indian diplomacy which has successfully stalled all these resolutions in EU which condemns India's human rights violations.


The global community, America & Europe well understand the nature of Modi regime and Hindutva in general. But west has now shown acceptance to Modi after he got total power in India with consecutive election victories. The crimes against humanity orchestrated by Modi regime is still talked about in corridors of international community but doesn't get to the point of any concrete diplomatic response against the regime. For America and countries like Japan & Australia, their relationship with Modi regime is motivated by Realpolitik. While Americans criticize Chinese dictators for crimes against humanity, they don't speak with same determination about similar things that are done by Modi regime in India. Allying with India is a geopolitical convenience so human rights don't really factor in the equation.

I don't believe in any religion but my understanding of Vatican is that it exercises global diplomacy on moral grounds in service of humanity and its principles (at least this is what they are supposed to do). While Vatican can't do much to stop Modi's actions, at least Vatican can stop offering favorable public gestures and unwarranted friendliness towards dictatorial regime. Vatican could've conveyed Indian delegation in advance about the formality of meet and could've avoided overt friendly gestures. For Modi regime, meeting with the Pope is just another public relations exercise to polish his image. I don't know what words of wisdom Pope may have offered to Modi but i can definitely say that no words of wisdom can bring any objectivity and rationality to his way of thinking. 


Modi has also invited Pope for India's state visit. This is all a part of image makeover by Modi as a strategy for consolidation of power. While the regime is getting more extreme and audacious in its crimes, its also crafting a public image of moderation and acceptance. I hope that Papacy understands this and refuse to help in any part of this image makeover. But i don't have much hope from Papacy. The historical record of Papacy against some of the worst dictators is well known. The Papacy was a silent spectator in Fascist Europe when some of the worst crimes against humanity were committed (read 1, 2, 3).


Indian observers should take note that Hindutva regime has now spread its connections far and wide in global power circles. There is an unfortunate lesson about world affairs.  Your crimes and illegalities don't matter, you can escape accountability, and you get accepted by the world if you have attained high power.


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