Congress Politics in Punjab


Amarinder Singh and Navjot Sidhu (Photo NDTV)


Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has resigned in Punjab as a consequence of faction fighting in Congress party. This is a setback for party before crucial state elections next year. While many reasons for CM's resignation are dished out, the real reason is quite simple. Navjot Sidhu wants to be CM of Punjab and Amarinder Singh won't have it. I won't go into the detail of why Amarinder Singh dislikes Sidhu but what i can definitely say is that Sidhu is an overambitious moron who wants to be CM of Punjab and advance his political career. This is not entirely unreasonable given the fact that he quit BJP and joined Congress in 2017 in last Punjab elections. Now after 4 years of presence in Congress, Sidhu has nothing to show for it and achieved nothing.

The Congress lost 2019 general elections in a landslide and on a downhill path since. Sidhu feels that joining Congress was a bad decision and thus Congress must give him something to keep him in the party. Ceremonial posts in Congress working committees etc won't satisfy Sidhu and understandably it should not.  The Congress now has control of only 3 states and Sidhu wants chief ministership of Punjab which is the only priced possession Congress party can offer him right now.

But Amarnider Singh, a local leader with a long career in Punjab Politics won't allow it. Central leadership of Congress party is in dilemma because Sidhu needs to be awarded for his allegiance to Congress. Otherwise Sidhu would be happy to go back to BJP or AAP or may create his own small party and play spoilsport that Congress fears will embarrass and harm them in next year's election. But things in Punjab politics are quite simple and needlessly made complicated. The simple fact is that Amarinder Singh is much more capable leader in Punjab, has more administrative experience and a long political career.  Sidhu doesn't have any real administrative and governance experience. A professional cricketer, later turned reality TV star is one of those personalities who wanna capitalize on their celebrity status in politics.

We know Sidhu from those bad Reality TV shows - the laughter challenges and standup comedies where Sidhu used to be a judge making snarky comments on participants and laugh hysterically.  I refuse to believe that he can be a serious politicians who can deliver on public office responsibilities and governance in any meaningful way. But Sidhu has ambitions to be a Union Minister (or maybe even PM). But that's out of reach in Congress, so best thing he can have is Chief minister post.

Congress on other hand thinks that its victory is guaranteed in Punjab elections despite giving a raw deal to their long standing regional leader like Amarinder Singh because BJP right now is massively unpopular in Punjab. But this is a strategic blunder for two reasons. Firstly, i explained in a previous article on how Congress is becoming brain dead due to lack of senior leadership. At this juncture, its foolish for Congress party to dump a strong regional politician like Amarinder Singh. I know that Amarinder Singh said that 2017 would be his last elections, but if he wants to continue, then Congress should let him given his track record and career. The point is not just about Amarinder Singh as being the CM of Punjab but also considering the alternative of Sidhu. Who is more qualified to be Punjab CM among the two? We know the answer.

Secondly, even if BJP defeat is inevitable, Congress must consider the calculus of other parties like Akali Dal and AAP and how that will affect the outcome in case no party gets the majority. Congress focus should be attaining a clear majority, without leaving a room for other parties. A split assembly and paralysis in Punjab will ultimately favor BJP. We all know how BJP can form govt in states even where its in minority by breaking other parties and forging unthinkable coalitions. Its highly foolish to change a sitting CM just few months before elections. Its said that Congress is trying to emulate BJP where party high command changes puppet CMs in BJP ruled states.

This approach is completely nonsensical because of day and night difference between Congress and BJP party structures at present. BJP right now is strongly centralized party with central figure of Modi. Modi is the face of central leadership as well as the face of BJP in State elections as well as the face of the nation (that's what BJP says). The image of puppet BJP CM's doesn't matter much because state elections are fought primarily on image of Modi. The situation with Congress is very different. Congress doesn't have a strong central figure like Modi at this time which can be promoted in state elections. It would be wiser for Congress to let senior regional leaders like Amarinder Singh to be the face of the party in state elections.

The political instability in Punjab right now and resignation of Chief minister before very crucial state elections will only create advantages for BJP directly and indirectly. Forcing CM to resign has needlessly created confusion and instability in Punjab which BJP would find ways to capitalize upon. After his resignation, Amarinder Singh has labeled Sidhu as Pro Pakistani. While these are unwise statements which has upset our liberal commentators who think that Amarinder Singh is acting like BJP by labeling people as Pro Pakistani, i wouldn't read too much into these statements. These unwise statements by Amarinder Singh are personal attacks made against Sidhu in context of bitter political rivalry but i would focus on much broader picture of Punjab Politics rather than these statements alone.

I think Congress has made a strategic blunder by removing Amarinder Singh. Whether Congress will pay the price for this blunder or will it be able to ride it out, only time will tell.


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