
Showing posts from December, 2024

Trump regime's future and how it may end

US is now in control of most malignant, incompetent and destructive political regime. This regime if allowed to continue for 4 years and possibly longer will create immense destruction to America and the whole world. I have already given detailed analysis of character and structure of Trump regime which can be best described as a Pathocracy and a Kakistocracy. Now i try to envision some possibilities on what will happen with this regime. 1. Trump regime and plutocratic forces consolidate full power - If this happens, US will go into dark age with destruction of its society, economy, rule of law, environment and political system. US will become a lawless failed 3rd world state ruled by fanatic oligarchs and plutocrats. Political opposition will be destroyed, institutions will be subverted and destroyed. Intellect of US society which has already declined will take a deeper plunge into the abyss. US hegemony and global power status will be finished. Hostile nations may try to take furth...

Biden's last acts in foreign policy

Israel, US and Turkey backed rebels overran Syria and Assad flee the country. Don't be mistaken by public stance of US that they're concerned about threat of terrorists groups (ISIS, HTS, Al Nusra etc) influence in Syria after fall of Assad regime. These groups are actually assets of US, Israel, Turkey and they are terrorists indeed without any democratic or humanistic inclinations.  The fall of Assad regime comes with festive gloating by Americans, Ukrainians, Europeans and west in general. It's a victory indeed as Russia's only ally (dating back since USSR) is now overthrown. Russia's critically important military bases in Syria may also be evicted. These bases were critical for Russia's supply line and outreach into Mediterranean as well as Africa. Russia has surrendered Syria without much fighting as it knows that resistance is futile at this time because Russia's military is ruined by Ukrainian fiasco.  Russian regime is vulnerable. And they face great ...

Indian politics in current times

We should not be agitated by status quo so much that we decide to take a plunge into the unknown without examining the alternative - Arun Shourie This is a short article on where we currently stand in Indian politics. Indian politics right now is in dark place. Not just in regards to character and policies of ruling BJP regime of which i have written enough about but also the character and agenda of main political opposition. We know that present ruling regime is a Fascistic Pathocracy ( 1 , 2 ,  3 ). However, many Indian liberals, leftists, BJP critics have become suckers for political opposition whose main agenda is Caste census which is also ultra-reactionary, diversionary and destructive.  The ruling regime is bad undoubtedly. Incompetent in policy making, polarizing on social issues and thoroughly corrupted in governance. But the caste census agenda of political opposition - INDI alliance, is also thoroughly destabilizing, destructive and diversionary as i have explained ...

Regime change in Syria

By all appearances, the regime of Syrian President and dictator Bashar-al-Assad is near dissolution. Syria endured a civil war against terrorist groups which were funded from abroad for last 12 years. The terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, FSA etc were various militant organizations originally funded by US, Israel, Turkey, Saudis etc to overthrow Assad for variety of reasons. For US, the support to Syrian rebels was based on mission to export democracy - the usual argument. For Israel, the motive was to expand its territorial boundaries, usurpation of territory of neighboring states as it has always done. For Turkey and Saudis etc, the motive was getting a piece of territory and influence in this ethnic region. Saudis in previous decade had bitter rivalry with Shiite bloc of Iran. Erdgan in Turkey was bitterly against Kurds as well as Syrian regime. The conflict had largely boiled down in last 5-6 years but now there is a very sudden flare up of conflict with new rebel fac...