Profile of Indian Political Parties

This is a tentative Profile of some major political parties in India right now. 

BJP - The main Fascist party that's ruling India and a Pathocracy lead by worst sociopathic fanatic elements of Indian politics. It's rise to power started around three decades ago based on religious populism (Hindu Nationalism). Current stronghold of party is in Northern states & so called cow belt states which are the culturally and socioeconomically most backward regions of India. To consolidate power, party also makes alliance with secular, liberal and other traditional reactionary parties of India. The party employs the most notorious terrorist gangs (religious militant organizations) and gangsters for political purposes. The party is also embedded ideologically in Govt institutions including the military, courts, Police etc. Party has long track record of communal religious violence, riots, mass murders, assassinations etc. BJP also has characteristic of plebeian revolution subsidized by plutocrats to legitimize an otherwise totalitarian takeover of society. 

Stock and Trade - Religions Populism. Fascism. Terrorism. Gundaraj (Mafia rule). 

SP, RJD - Regional reactionary parties of Uttar Pradesh (SP) and Bihar (RJD). Most political parties of North India are of similar nature (BSP, JMM etc). They comprise of Mafia goons, mostly uneducated thuggish criminals. In recent years, their influence has significantly diminished due to rise of Hindu nationalism and capturing of political space by BJP. These parties held significant sway over politics in the past due to large parliamentary share of seats of two most populous Northern state. These parties ruled Bihar and UP for decades and kept them in long darkness and backwardness. UP and Bihar are called the Bimaru states (Sick states) of India with massive poverty, unemployment, social backwardness, crime and anarchy, corruption and other abysmal developmental indexes (like African regions). These parties are of Nepotistic nature where two Yadav families control the party structure. RJD party was set up by reactionary politician and long term CM of Bihar - Lalu Prasad Yadav. SP was set up by Mulayam Singh Yadav. Now their families and extended families, all control the inherited party structures. 

Stock and Trade - Rural Populism. Caste politics. Gundaraj (Mafia rule). 

JDU - Very similar to other reactionary thuggish corrupted parties of North India but run by a more devious and opportunist leader - Nitish Kumar. Someone who will sell his soul to anyone if he gets to become the CM of Bihar. 

Stock and Trade - Rural Populism. Caste politics. Gundaraj (Mafia rule). 

Shiva Sena - Originally the strongest ally of BJP in the past. After death of hardline party leader Bal Thackeray, it became ideologically moderate. Briefly controlled Maharashtra with liberal political allies. The party later split into two factions. The reactionary part joined the BJP, the moderate faction left in the lurch without any power. 

Stock and Trade - Maratha Sub-nationalism. Regional Populism.

AAP - Self proclaimed common man's liberal party was a political startup that came about overthrowing Congress regime in Delhi through populist protests. The party brandishes clean governance, anti-corruption, education, healthcare and other liberal agendas. 

Stock and Trade - Urban Populism. Liberalism. 

Congress - It was once the main ruling party of India for decades but then lost its control and influence due to lack of leadership. Now it tries to build alliance with regional parties, especially the reactionary parties of North states to stay relevant. Congress was the main enabler of Fascism in India. Fascists were weak and unorganized in the past. Fascists committed terrorism, mass killings and various organized crimes. But Congress temporized with Fascists and never held them accountable. Congress always kept Indian institutions especially the justice system weak, dysfunctional and paralyzed. For example, Congress was in power from 2004-2014, but did not convict a single Fascist leader. 

To counter toxic Hindu nationalism, Congress has its own version of populist poison - Caste politics. Main architect of present caste politics was Congress adventurist VP Singh. Party is also rural pro-farmer populist which really means keeping India trapped in 19th century agrarian model. Congress earlier used to be favorite political party of Oligarchs and Plutocrats but later got dumped by them in favor of more radical adventurist BJP party. 

Stock and Trade - Rural Populism. Caste politics. Marketing of Nehru and Gandhi Trademarks. 

DMK - A liberal party of South which has now embraced the toxic strategy of caste politics which is really the stock and trade of bankrupt parties of North states. We can see how Liberal parties becoming reactionary and polarizing forces in recent years. 

Parties of Kashmir - National conference (NC), PDP - Regional liberal parties of Kashmir which were mostly allied with past Congress Govt. Fell victim to Modi's policy on Kashmir. These parties flirted with Kashmir Separatist movement for their vote bank politics. They also call for Kashmir issue to be negotiated with China and Pakistan.

Stock and Trade - Separatist Populism. Kashmiri sub-nationalism. 

Communists of South - Communist tag is a misnomer, Communist/socialist parties are actually liberal parties in India. Alliance (LDF) lead by main communist party - CPI (M) in the Southern state of Kerala, they oppose Hindu nationalism. Southern states have much better socioeconomic and cultural dynamics than backward North states. Hence Kerala has no inclination towards toxic religious populism of BJP. 

Stock and Trade - Liberalism

There's really no ideology in politics. Ideology is just an instrument for domination and/or capturing populist sentiments of society. Politicians compete with each other with their various ideological brands to capture populist sentiments. But when need arises, ideology can be disposed off overnight and politicians can reborn anew with a different ideology. Political parties can change to different ideology or politicians can simply switch to different party where their political career and financial interests lies. 

Other Parties and coalition partners - While controlling the Cow belt North states (Gujarat, UP, MP etc) having large parliamentary seat share is necessary, it's not sufficient to get Parliamentary majority. BJP forms alliances with other reactionary and so called secular parties. BJP is presently in alliance with JDS (secular) in Karnataka and TDP in Andhra Pradesh. There's really no ideology in politics, there are only political interests. C Naidu was a supporter of BJP in old times, then he awakened and became an opponent of Modi's BJP in 2019, then he was reborn and become a coalition partner of BJP once again in 2024. Similarly, the so called secularists of Karnataka's Janta Dal who were staunch opponents of BJP have now formed a coalition with BJP. 

In Bihar, the BJP has built an alliance with JDU. Nitish Kumar, the leader of JDU was a partner of Congress and RJD against BJP just until few months ago. Nitish Kumar has switched alliances so many times that he himself has stopped keeping a count of it. In Maharashtra, the new Shiv Sena is the alliance partner of BJP. Many Congress leaders who were once a staunch opponents of BJP Fascists have also switched to BJP. Scindia, Amarinder, Chavan, Bahuguna, SM Krishna, Deora etc to name a few. Apart from big names, there are countless lower level politicians (MLAs, MLCs, party officials etc) who have switched sides to BJP for better political prospects.

Stock and Trade - Most of these other parties are based on sub-nationalism (like special status for their state). Regional populism. Caste politics. 


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