Trump makes America surrender against Covid-19 Pandemic

Trump's policy on Covid-19 is now clear - Brutal Herd immunity. With total chaos in America under Trump's rule & country busy in elections, people did not had the time to grasp the significance of this. America, a modern industrial & technological super power has capitulated and surrendered against public health crisis. A crisis which could have been easily managed, controlled & resolved with proper Government policy & planning. Think for a minute, America is a country with grass roots of industrial revolution, a country which was instrumental in defeating Hitler & Fascism, a country which put man on the moon, a country which put land rover on Mars surface, a country which has the strongest military in the world, a country which is highly advanced in field of Medicine, Biotechnology, semi conductors, Artificial Intelligence & all the rest of scientific fields. America, the strongest country in the world, has surrendered to Covid-19.


America - A super power and highly developed nation. Top left - US was instrumental in defeating Hitler's Fascism & Imperial Japan in World War 2. Top Right - US Space mission of land rover on Mars. Bottom left - US landing on moon. Bottom Right - American scientist James Thomson made groundbreaking discovery in Stem Cells Research.


The man most directly responsible for America's failure in Covid-19 response is of course the crazy sociopath Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the problem is not just Trump. The problem also lies in entire Republican party & its lunatic base, reactionary judges in American courts, plutocrats & billionaires who are interested in their profits at expense of general population. Its also interesting to see the Class element of Herd immunity policy. The ruling class super rich plutocrats remain mostly untouched by the virus as they have the luxury of social distancing, working from 50th floor of their corporate towers or from their private mansions & big yachts. The plutocrats also have the luxury to afford expensive medical treatments and drugs. But average Joe, who belongs to middle class or poor class doesn't have the same luxuries. Average Joe is way down in the Class ladder. He's a Teacher, a construction worker, a mechanic, a clerk, a small business owner etc who faces daily hardships to earn income and run his or her household. 


Herd immunity is not really a policy in a sense as Government surrenders to the crisis and let crisis wreak havoc on civilization. The government is not meant to fight the crisis and defeat it, instead Government should sit back & let crisis takes it own course. This is similar to Libertarian Austrian School of economic theory. The Libertarian argument is similar in a sense that Government shouldn't fight an economic depression. Let the recession/depression run its full course crushing everything in its way. Of course, the net result of this will be redistribution of wealth upwards. The bottom class will loose their lives, their income, their wealth & assets in the crisis while the top class will assimilate & absorb these assets & income. In fact this has been going on in most countries. The giant corporations have got infinite supply of credit from Central Banks while the average people are bearing the biggest brunt of this pandemic induced depression. Small businesses are shutting down, workers are being laid off and loosing their health insurance, average people are getting crippled with piling debt & bankruptcies and at the same time Government refuse to provide economic assistance & income support to people in this economic depression.

The Herd immunity policy of Trump is not new as Trump clearly inclined towards it right from the beginning of pandemic. Trump downplayed the threat of Covid-19 in crucial early days to protect stock markets which Trump constantly touts as a measure of his success. When the gravity of crisis was realized, America rushed into lockdowns without proper planning to control the transmission of virus. But lockdowns meant temporarily slowing down of economy. Lockdowns were a planned recession to save human lives. But Trump did not like the GDP crash during his election year, so he rushed into reopening economy which lead to second wave of Covid-19. After seconds wave of Covid-19, Trump sidelined Dr. Anthony Fauci and others, brought in Scott Atlas, a proponent of Herd immunity strategy. Now US is finally in the third wave of Covid-19 and Trump regime has admitted that controlling the virus is no longer a priority.

There are many aspects of Herd immunity policy that are very disappointing and disturbing. Firstly, its unethical and inhuman. Trump's policy means intentionally killing tens of thousands of people to slow down the transmission of virus. Also millions of people who get infected and recover will have long term health problems that scientists & doctors haven't even fully understood. Secondly, America only needs 6 more months of proper disaster management, economic assistance and income support to people. By next summer, the Covid-19 vaccine will be ready for mass distribution and this will be a permanent solution to Covid-19 problem. And finally, Herd immunity is a policy of 3rd world countries. Poor backward countries which do not have resources to fight the pandemic. America is modern highly developed nation. Its shocking to see that such modern country will adopt a suicidal & genocidal policy of Herd immunity.


America is having 2020 elections right now. While there are many issues to consider with Trump like all his criminal acts & corruption (and there's plenty of it), incompetence and downright foolish policies. But you can keep everything aside and just see the Trump's actions in last 9 months of this Pandemic. Trump brought America to the level of failed 3rd world countries. Trump's policies directly resulted in tens of thousands of deaths & millions of crippled Americans. This alone should be the reason to vote Trump out of office.


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