US Needs Federal Coronavirus Commission

US is hit by worst public health crisis in its recent history. The Coronavirus pandemic in US has infected hundreds of thousands of people and killed thousands in just last few days. The crisis is developing right now and its projected that as much as 100,000 people may die in very near future. The crisis has also caused massive economic and social catastrophe in America.

US, when hit by 9/11 terror attacks, ordered a federal commission, to investigate the attacks, identify military & intelligence shortcomings and provide real account of the tragedy.

US under Trump Administration has been hit by Coronavirus crisis which all experts warned in advance. The mismanagement, bungling and lack of preparation by US federal Government is visible on many things. US Congress should pass legislation to create Coronavirus federal Commission for investigation of Coronavirus situation.

The Commission should be comprised of technocrats from field of Science, Medicine, Economics and Intelligence with record of unquestionable integrity. The commission should look into these things.

1. Commission should provide answer to these questions
  1. How and When did Community Transmission started in America (exact timelines)?
  2. What were the factors that lead to Coronavirus transmission across all 50 states?
  3. What mistakes were made on various levels?

2. Role of Government bodies including CDC, HHS, DHS, CIA etc in the time leading up to major outbreak and also management during outbreak.

3. Scrutiny over decision making of White House and all Government bodies in run up to the outbreak and also decisions taken during the outbreak

4. Reasons behind shortage of medical equipment and supplies like Testing Kits, Chemicals/Reagents, N95 Masks, PPEs, Ventilators, ICU Beds etc

5. Investigation of various events like botch up of Wuhan Evacuation.

6. Commission should also look into events in China and find out what really happened in Wuhan, China.

7. Commission should analyze and give an estimate of total damage and losses to the country - Deaths, Disabilities, economic losses, Bankruptcies, Business failures, unemployment etc

8. Commission should identify structural problems in US healthcare system and recommend various measures to strengthen healthcare system and Govt apparatus to prevent future pandemic in US. Commission should also fix responsibility of all erring officials who mismanaged the crisis and took wrong and negligent decisions.

9. Commission should recommend economic measures to rebuild American economy and with special attention to providing relief to middle class Americans and Americans below poverty line.

10. Commission should prepare its report on all findings and this report should be made public without any redaction. 

Trump Administration will NEVER provide answers to the important questions. Trump administration will never fix any responsibility and analyze the cause of this tragedy. Actually the opposite, Trump will brush everything under the rug because it implicates his own negligence and mismanagement. The investigation on Coronavirus is as important as impeachment trial of Trump. Hundreds and thousands of people may die and there must to be an objective analysis of the crisis. Congress must immediately organize a federal commission to do it.


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