India's Lockdown - Where we are and how we got here?
India is not like western countries and developed nations where majority of people have job security, income security, food security, shelter and a robust welfare system that protects people in case of crisis. India's social welfare system is weak. A lot of the population are daily wage earners (Rikshaw pullers, construction workers, vendors, hawkers, small self employed businesses etc), homeless and poor, people outside of social safety net and living hand to mouth without any savings. Social distancing which is a privilege in western countries is impossible to be applied in much of the India due to real and practical constraints. Now India is facing public health crisis due to Coronavirus pandemic. To tackle this crisis, Govt has to take several social and economic measures to control the spread of disease. Decisions like lockdowns, shutdown of public services, shutdown of transport, factories, offices etc, imposing curfews and movement restrictions are some of the decisions ...