
Showing posts from October, 2024

US Presidential elections and a plan to prevent anarchy

US elections are just few days away. I believe that Trump will lose these elections due to various reasons that i briefly summarize below. I also believe that there's high possibility that Trump & Republicans will not accept election outcome especially if their margin of defeat is narrow. This may result in anarchy and violence as witnessed at the end of previous Trump Presidency. To tackle this scenario, i propose certain steps to maintain peace and order in America. Trump will lose - Question is the margin of his defeat Trump will lose next month due to several reasons. First is that Trump is betting big on his base turnout strategy that entire Republican base will turn out to vote for him on election day which is very unlikely. Trump's core MAGA appeal has also shrunk in past four years which is evident from size of his rallies. A crucial factor in this election will be women electorate which i believe will vote overwhelmingly against Republicans due to Republican war on

A common trait of Donald Trump and Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the richest man in the world endorsed Donald Trump. I am not gonna spell out the evil things about this alliance. This is a short article on a specific commonality between the two people. No, i am not talking about their arrogance, misogyny and toxicity of their rhetoric. I am talking about delusional grandiose beliefs of these two people. And their beliefs seems fantastic and appealing. The delusional beliefs of Trump and Musk are strikingly similar. They appear to have very certain and absolute view of things, and mystical faith in their own capability. Trump has a narrative ' I alone can fix it ' about America. When Pandemic came, Trump projected himself as the smartest person who can deal with the crisis (in reality he bungled everything to FUBAR). This idea of - 'I alone can fix it' - goes deeper with Trump. Trump says American dream is dead and politicians and establishment cannot fix it. He and only he can restore America, make America great again. Elo