
Showing posts from June, 2024

Analysis on India's 2024 elections

India's 2024 election concluded with third consecutive victory for BJP & its alliance but with it's parliamentary seats diminished. Contrary to popular opinion, the elections of 2024 weren't on any real constructive agendas. The BJP, the main Fascistic party ran on usual majoritarian Hindu nationalism politics. Various opposition parties united ran on three key agendas - Caste census, Farmer distress-rural populism, saving Democracy. I have explained how caste census is a dangerous, destructive and unconstitutional program though conventional wisdom of Indian left finds it adorable. The farmer distress is well known as various farmer movements have risen up demanding various concessions from Govt. It's unsurprising that BJP suffered in the Northern states where these movements are more prominent. More on this below.  But keeping aside all the distractions, diversions and populist propaganda, i found that both parties completely inadequate in solving any real challe