
Showing posts from April, 2023

Religion, Mass Psychosis and Fascism

Mass Psychosis is not an officially recognized mental disease. The term is loosely used by certain analysts and commentators to describe a highly irrational behavior of masses / group of people. A social group (followers of a politician, followers of cult leaders etc) may demonstrate this type of irrational behavior. The behavior can be described as social group detaches itself from objective reality and starts acting in a way that is socially as well as personally destructive to the group itself and its members. A social group can become so paranoid that it can do riots, kill people on large scale, commit crimes against humanity or even commit mass suicide. Followers of Donald Trump (MAGA movement) fit the bill of mass psychosis which culminated into 6th January riots in US. The followers of Donald Trump came to believe that 2020 elections were "stolen" and they shall retake the country by an insurrection.  But before we talk about Trumpism and MAGA movement, let's look ...