Trump makes America surrender against Covid-19 Pandemic

Trump's policy on Covid-19 is now clear - Brutal Herd immunity. With total chaos in America under Trump's rule & country busy in elections, people did not had the time to grasp the significance of this. America, a modern industrial & technological super power has capitulated and surrendered against public health crisis. A crisis which could have been easily managed, controlled & resolved with proper Government policy & planning. Think for a minute, America is a country with grass roots of industrial revolution, a country which was instrumental in defeating Hitler & Fascism, a country which put man on the moon, a country which put land rover on Mars surface, a country which has the strongest military in the world, a country which is highly advanced in field of Medicine, Biotechnology, semi conductors, Artificial Intelligence & all the rest of scientific fields. America, the strongest country in the world, has surrendered to Covid-19. America - A super p...