India ending Lockdown - Government has surrendered in Covid-19 Battle

Indian Government has started relaxing the lockdown and reopening economy while Covid-19 pandemic rages in full swing in the country. Here in Delhi, which has among the highest cases in the country, the Govt has allowed the opening of market places, shopping malls, private businesses and offices. The Govt will also open temples, mosques, restaurants, hotels etc next week. Schools, Colleges & educational institutions will be likely opened next month. All this reopening is done in the middle of rapidly spreading Covid-19 pandemic. This is in complete contrast to Covid-19 response strategy of most of the developed countries where reopening of economy is done only after Covid-19 spread is under a reasonable control. I wrote almost 2 months ago that India's Lockdown measures will not be able to stop Covid-19 spread and briefly explained the reasons in post few days ago. Firstly, its important to understand that Covid-19 progression and the results of Lockdown strategy is v...