Trump's economic aggression against the world and shock therapy in America
What is possible remedy to Trump? How can he go down and under what conditions? I wrote several scenarios on Trump regime and a particular scenario can possibly play out and materialize into Trump's departure. It was well understood that Trump will subvert and destroy existing structures and institutions of America. But he's doing it at such a fast speed that he will break down the economy badly in very short time. A malignant politician with evil intentions intends to subvert and takeover the country. Best way is to do it systematically with meticulous planning and patience. Otherwise the consequences of failed takeover can be brutal. Trump is evil but he's also a fool. America is a dysfunctional Democracy for sure. And now Trump intends to subvert it and make it into a Potemkin Democracy like that exists in Russia, Turkey or failed 3rd world nation like India. In such states, a single political party has monopoly over politics. The institutions, especially police and si...