Russia sinking in Ukraine Quagmire

Russia finally got in touch with bitter reality on Ukraine. Since last many years and months, Russia made assertions like Ukraine isn't a real country. Russia carved out Crimea in (almost) bloodless military ops in 2014 followed by a referendum to assimilate it into Russia. The Guerilla warfare dragged on for 8 years in the East Ukraine. This year, Russia decided to make a much bolder move - to take over entire Ukraine. What happened next in last 3 months is well known to us. The massive casualties of Russian military, including the Generals who promised a quick victory in Ukraine. A lot of Russian military hardware (Ships, tanks, trucks, armored vehicles etc) got destroyed in battles. And immense damage to Russian economy with collapsing industry, demographics mayhem, isolation from global markets. Destroyed Russian Tanks outside Kiev What went wrong for Russia and Why? Convergence of various factors behind Russia's decision to start Ukraine war Russia'...