Censorship, Policing and Surveillance of Internet in India

Two months ago, India signed a G7 "2021 Open Societies Statement" about commitment to human rights, Democracy, freedom of expression and other wonderful things. The statement referred to "politically motivated internet shutdowns" as one of the threats to freedom and Democracy. India today is the among the most Internet censored country in the world. Blocking of domains, curbing of free speech on social media, jailing people for criticizing Govt & ruling party on internet, full fledged internet shutdowns in states & cities at various times - all these things are now usual affair in India. India is now ruled by a totalitarian Govt, an elected dictatorship which is trying to control the totality of things - institutions, media, culture, education and public perception. Internet control is essential to controlling public perception and managing the thought process of people. A free internet is an enemy of dictatorial government as can be seen in nations lik...