Power centers of Modi and Shah's Dictatorship

Modi & Shah are consolidating their dictatorship in India destroying constitution, legality, institutions, political opposition, civil rights and public dissent. But establishing a dictatorship is not easy as it requires some prerequisites and control over certain critical areas of nation. Modi & Shah regime has these five centers of power which help them establish their dictatorial rule over the country. Military & Paramilitary Armed forces - Army is used as a Political instrument to create a Nationalistic image You can't impose a dictatorship without controlling the military. Military is the most critical part of Modi's dictatorship. Control over military is the main MUSCLES of dictators & also give De Facto legitimacy & authority to ruling dictators. By controlling the military, other aspects of dictatorship can be enforced & implemented. The military which was supposed to be independent & apolitical is now a tool & instrument in hands of ...